5.1 Probation

The chemistry PhD program wants all scholars to succeed. If you are concerned about falling into probationary status, be sure to communicate with the graduate admin team and your primary research mentor to determine your best path forward.

Causes of probationary status

Scholars whose work causes them to fall into probationary status will receive notification from Laney Graduate School. Scholars who receive a semester or Cumulative G.P.A. of < 2.7 will fall into probationary status. In addition, scholars will enter probationary statusif they receive a “U” grade in any of the following courses:

  • CHEM 504 for failure to complete rotations or join a group
  • CHEM 798B for failure to successfully complete the Second Year Qualifying Exam or failure to successfully complete a re-test within one semester
  • CHEM 798C for failure to successfully complete the Third Year Milestone or failure to successfully complete a re-test within one semester
  • CHEM 798D for failure to successfully complete the Fourth Year Milestone or failure to successfully complete a re-test within one semester
  • TATT (CHEM) 605 for unsatisfactory TA performance
  • CHEM 599 (pre-candidacy) or CHEM 799 (post-candidacy) for insufficient research progress and/or failure to submit an annual report

Scholars will also fall into probationary status for:

  • Receiving an “I” or “U” grade in six or more credits
  • Failure to complete a program requirement (IDP, annual survey, timeline to degree)

Scholars in probationary status are not eligible for merit awards or LGS Professional Development Support (PDS) funds. Scholars will receive formal notice of probationary status from the Laney Graduate School.

Review process

All scholars will be reviewed at the end of each semester by the faculty. Scholars who fall into probationary status due to a negative review will be informed of their status in writing by the Laney Graduate School. Consequences of a negative review may include:

  • Withdrawal of financial support
  • Repetition of research, coursework, and/or examinations
  • Termination from the program

    Scholars in probationary status

    Scholars will be recommended for termination from the program by no later than the end of their second semester on probation. Scholars who fail to successfully re-test any milestone within one semester of their first attempt will be recommended for termination from the program at the conclusion of that semester even if they have not been on probation more than once.

    Appeal of probationary status

    Scholars facing termination due to probationary status may petition for one additional semester to improve their record by following the departmental petition process. The petition must address:

    1. Any extenuating circumstances that contributed to the probationary status.
    2. A formal request for an extension with a specific deadline for submitting any outstanding work included.
    3. A supporting letter from the primary research mentor, including a plan for ongoing financial support.

    The Graduate Committee will review petitions and advise the scholar of the outcome. Scholars may petition for a maximum of two semester-long extensions.

    Alternatively, scholars may petition for a change of program following a recommended termination in order to complete the MS degree.


    Scholars whose appeal (or change of program to the MS) is not approved will be recommended for termination from the program by no later than the end of their second semester on probation.