Appendix E. Chemistry Course Navigator

Required courses for all scholars

  • six 3-credit chemistry graduate courses (or approved external courses) 
  • TATT 600 + 605 (TATTO
  • JPE 600 + 606 + 610 (JPE
  • ELSP courses, if required (ELSP
  • CHEM 504 (Rotations) 
  • CHEM 597 (Proposal/Library Course) 
  • CHEM 798B, CHEM 798C, CHEM 798D (Milestones) 
  • Research credit (every semester except the first) 


Courses are graded as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U)or on a letter grade basis (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C, or F). Courses that offer a letter grade must be taken for a grade if they will be applied towards the requirements for candidacy.

Understanding course levels

Graduate courses at Emory are offered at the 500-level or above. The following guidance may be helpful in distinguishing between levels:

  • 500-level: core/foundational graduate course; appropriate for any graduate scholar 
  • 600-level: required training/grad program courses, including TATTO and JPE 
  • 700-level: advanced graduate course; first year scholars may enroll, but are encouraged to seek advising support to ensure they can be successful in the course 

Coursework residency requirement and research credit

All scholars in the graduate program are required to maintain a full course load consisting of at least 9 units during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. In most semesters, scholars will need to enroll in CHEM 599R (Pre-Candidacy) or CHEM 799R (Post-Candidacy) to properly reflect their learning and progress in research.

Enrollment responsibility

Chemistry graduate scholars are required to enroll themselves via OPUS in a timely manner each semester. The graduate admin team can assist with enrollment and will automatically enroll students in specific courses as indicated on the Chemistry Course Plan. However, the graduate scholar is ultimately responsible for ensuring that enrollment is correct and in compliance with chemistry and LGS requirements.

In any given semester, if a scholars calculates that their full credit load will fall below 9 credits or rise above 18 credits, the scholar must contact the Director of Graduate Studies to discuss their plans prior to the beginning of add/drop.