2.2 First year course selection

All new first years will meet with faculty during orientation to select coursework for the first semester.  

Don’t panic: Grad school is different from undergrad – course enrollment is not competitive. If a scholar needs to take a grad-level chemistry course, the graduate program will find space for them in that class. There is no need to rush and no competition for space in classes. 

  • The exception: In the rare case that a course has an enrollment cap for a reason connected to the learning goals in the course (e.g., workshop course or a course to accompany a competitive opportunity, like a fellowship) the parameters for being included the course will be advertised to all eligible students to offer everyone an equitable opportunity to enroll. 

The Chemistry Course Navigator provides an overview of required courses and course levels. Courses that offer a letter grade must be taken for a grade if they will be applied towards the requirements for candidacy. 

During your first semester, scholars will be automatically enrolled in CHEM 504, JPE 600, TATT 600, and TATT 605. Scholars should enroll themselves in two additional graduate-level lecture courses following advising during orientation.

  • Take note: Enrollment in two graduate-level lecture courses per semester in the first year is considered a full course load and is the most common successful path for scholars. First year scholars wishing to take a third course in either the Fall or Spring should request DGS permission prior to enrollment via a petition to the graduate program. If a scholar elects to take three courses, they have the option of dropping one course in accordance with LGS withdrawal guidelines; this action will result in a “W” notation on the transcript. 

In most cases, first year, first semester scholars will be best served by taking all of their courses in chemistry. After this point, scholars are encouraged to broadly explore course offerings across Emory. If a scholar wishes to register for a course offered outside of chemistry, they must submit a petition to the graduate program and an external coursework permission form. 

Scholars for whom English is a second language may be required to take an English Language Support Program (ELSP) assessment during orientation. The chemistry graduate program strongly encourages scholars to take all recommended ELSP courses.

During the second semester, scholars will be automatically enrolled in TATT 605. Scholars are required to enroll complete their own enrollment using the Chemistry Course Navigator as a guide. Registration dates and deadlines will be communicated via email. Scholars should consult with the primary research mentor regarding which courses are likely to be supportive of their development.