3.1 Research group requirement

Membership in a research group is an ongoing requirement of the chemistry PhD program. Any scholar who does not have a primary research group assignment (excluding first semester rotators) will be considered out of compliance with program requirements, resulting in probation and possible termination from the program. The chemistry PhD program cannot accommodate students working independently or working with an advisor who is not a member of the chemistry graduate faculty or associated faculty. 

First year scholars are required to join a group as the culmination of their effort in CHEM 504: Rotations (see article 2.4). Until a scholar joins a group as a first year, the DGS serve as the advisor of record. 

The faculty member leading the a research group serves as the primary research mentor and the chair (or co-chair) of the chemistry committee and the dissertation committee. The chemistry handbook refers to this faculty member as the“primary research mentor” to recognize their role in advising chemistry milestones and other requirements.

Change of Group: Scholars who finds themselves considering a change of group at any point in their career are encouraged to discuss options with any member of the graduate admin team. To formally initiate a request to change groups, scholars must submit a petition to the graduate program. The petition must include written support from the new proposed primary research mentor. If the petition is approved, the group change must be finalized by the submission of a new mentor/mentee agreement.

  • Privacy commitment: Scholars are not required to inform the current primary research mentor that they are considering a change of group until the mentor/mentee agreement is finalized. Scholars are also not prohibited from discussing an intended change with the current mentor. 
  • Expectation of continued effort: Scholars must continue to complete research effort in their current group until a group change is approved. Failure to do so may lead to probation or termination from the PhD program.