3.2 Coursework for continuing scholars

“Continuing” coursework refers to course effort after the first year of graduate school.

The Chemistry Course Navigator provides an overview of required courses by semester.

You should meet with your primary research mentor to discuss necessary coursework. You are responsible for registering yourself online via OPUS. The Graduate Program Coordinator can provide assistance but is not responsible for enrollment. You are responsible for ensuring that you are enrolled prior to the enrollment deadline each semester. 

Your responsibilities include enrolling in courses to properly record and receive credit for chemistry milestones. You should enroll in these courses in the semester in which they plan to complete the milestone. You are also required to re-enroll if you are approved to re-test a milestone in a future semester. These courses are:

  • CHEM 798B: Second Year Qualifying Exam (3 credits)
  • CHEM 798C: Third Year Milestone (1 credit)
  • CHEM 798D: Fourth Year Milestone (1 credit)

If you wish to register for courses offered outside of the Department of Chemistry, you must complete submit an External Coursework Petition. This form requires signatures from the primary research mentor, the Instructor of Record for the requested course, and the graduate committee. This form allos you the option of requesting that a non-chemistry course be applied towards the six chemistry courses required for candidacy.

All scholars in the graduate program are required to maintain a full course load consisting of at least 9 units during the fall, spring and summer semesters.

  • If your full credit load will fall below 9 credits or rise above 18 credits in any given semester, you must contact the Director of Graduate studies to discuss prior to the beginning of add/drop.